
Intermediate Ceramics Syllabus:Click

This course will focus on improving wheel throwing and hand building techniques. Students will become more involved in the everyday workings of the ceramics studio. More complex glazing and finishing techniques will be taught with the introduction to alternative firing techniques. Creative problem solving and art making strategies will be a major emphasis in this course. 

Book: 250 Tips, Techniques, and Trade Secrets for Potters: The Indispensable Compendium of Essential Knowledge and Troubleshooting Tips Amazon

Assignment 1:


 "Mad Grab"
Throw or hand build five forms. Theses forms will then be put into a draft. Each student will pick five forms from other students then combine these forms together to make one larger form.

Assignment 2:

"Make a Thing for your Things"
Make a list of 5 likes, 5 dislikes, 5 things you do well and 5 things you do poorly. Pick three things from this list of 20 and make 3 forms that contains theses ideas. This project can be functional, sculptural or both. Use any ceramic technique to manifest these forms.

Assignment 3:

 Make two forms using both definitions as the framework for your construction.

1. The growing together or adherence of parts that are normally separate. 

2. A means of building through incremental growth.

Great videos to watch incremental growth. 

Power Point on Accretion Click Here

Assignment 4: Make a copy. 

Scale up or scale down an object that is not made of clay. Must bring that object into the studio. Object you make must be 10 to 12 inches in either direction. 

Found-object sculpture. This assignment is to help you understand form and how sculptural planes come together to create form. Inspect and study the object that you are going to copy. Look at form/forms, texture, planes, shapes and how they come together to define an object. Look at the visual cues that define your form. Think about what makes that form unique. Exaggerate what you see!!! We will have an in progress critique on 3/13.

Look at these links:

Sylvia Hyman
Sylvia Hyman
Marilyn Lavine


 Final Project: 

Description-This final project involves listening to an episode of Radio Lab “ Desperately Seeking Symmetry “on NPR. This radio show will be used as a place to conjure from and you will create two piece based on the topics presented in this radio show.  For your final project you may use any ceramic techniques acquired in this class as well as any additional skills you may have. This assignment is designed to challenge critical thinking skills while developing creative problem solving skills.
“ Desperately Seeking Symmetry “

“This hour of Radiolab, Jad and Robert set out in search of order and balance in the world around us, and ask how symmetry shapes our very existence--from the origins of the universe, to what we see when we look in the mirror.
Along the way, we look for love in ancient Greece , head to modern-day Princeton to peer inside our brains, and turn up an unlikely headline from the Oval Office circa 1979.”
“ Radio Archive”Radio Lab. © 1995-2011

 Final Crit. Mandatory (5 pieces from the semester and one must be one of the final projects)

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